This Client section pertains to the client under "Business Account" (client of the business)

This is a comprehensive overview of all clients and prospective clients in Accziom.

In this article:

Client Dashboard


The submenu will have different options depending on the status of the client record.
  • A client with a deal/contract in progress can't be deleted.
  • All clients can receive proposals, and their records can be edited.
  • Prospects who are imported can be invited to join you on Accziom.
  • Invited clients can have the invitation resent.

Client record explained

  • Name: The contact name for the organisation or the client's name if it’s an individual.
  • Legal entity: The type of legal entity. Either Company, Individual, Partnership, Sole Trader or Trust. If the imported record does not have an ACN, we can't know what entity it is, so it may show as blank.
  • Business name: The name the business trades under or the name the Trust is known by.
  • Deals: The number of contracts managed via the Accziom platform with the client. Learn more

Client Status

  • Imported: A client record imported via Xero, Quickbooks or a file. Learn more
  • Prospect: Records either imported via file marked as prospects or someone you sent a proposal to that is not already in the system. Note that a prospect becomes an Active Client once a contract is established. Learn more
  • Invited: An imported client you sent an invite to join you on Accziom. Learn more
  • Active: A client connected to you via the Accziom platform.

Client Groups

Groups are a great way to link individuals and entities together. Linking helps provide services for several entities but bills all to one client account. For example, accountants may do a business tax return, a trust tax return, and an individual tax return. So, when writing a proposal, each service can be tagged to the correct recipient while only one contact pays the bill. 

Setting up a group

1. Click on the Create Group button.
2. Select the client records you like to group and click the save button. You can use the filter function to find contacts quickly. 

3. Give the group a name
4. Select the group's primary contact. This is the person who usually pays the bill. However, the bill can also be sent to a secondary contact when writing a proposal. This is an indicator only.
5. Click Save

Group has been added -

can be hide as well-

Invite to Accziom

This page will only show clients who still need to get a login to Accziom. You can choose to select and invite everyone to join you on Accziom.

1. Tick the clients you like to invite or click Select all

2. Click the green Invite button

3. Write an invitation email.

4. Click the Send button.

Add Prospects

You can add a prospect here in the client section or by using the Quick Add Function while writing a proposal in the Deals section.

We have kept things simple, so only the name and email are required. Once your prospect has accepted the first proposal, they will be asked to fill out their profile.

Deleting prospect or client records

Note: We will not delete clients from your accounting software. We will only remove client records from Accziom. Any client with open contracts can't be deleted.

Related Guide:

Import and Export Client